Card Type: Continuous Trap
Activate this card by targeting 1 Warrior-Type monster you control. It gains 1000 ATK. Monsters destroyed by battle with it are returned to the hand instead of going to theGraveyard. When that monster leaves the field, destroy this card.
- .Yu-Gi-Oh Single
- Absolute Powerforce
- Abyss Rising
- Ancient Prophecy
- Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants
- Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Round 2
- Battle Pack 3: Monster League
- Battle Pack: Epic Dawn
- Cosmo Blazer
- Crimson Crisis
- Crossroads of Chaos
- Dragons of Legend
- Duelist Alliance / Aliança dos Duelistas
- Duelist Revolution
- Extreme Victory
- Galatic Overlord
- Generation Force
- Hidden Arsenal
- Hidden Arsenal 2
- Hidden Arsenal 3
- Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph
- Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm Invasion
- Hidden Arsenal 6: Omega Xyz
- Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars
- Judgement of the Light
- Legacy of the Valiant
- Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy
- Legendary Collection 3: YuGi’s World
- Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy
- Metal Raiders / Predadores Metalicos
- Number Hunters / Caçadores de Números
- Order of Chaos
- Photon Shockwave
- Premium Gold
- Primal Origin / Origem Primordial
- Ra Yellow Mega-Pack
- Raging Battle
- Return of the Duelist
- Star Pack 2013
- Star Pack 2014
- Stardust Overdrive
- Starstrike Blast
- Storm of Ragnarok
- The Duelist Genesis
- The Shining Darkness
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyong Time Movie
- Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Single